Oranjemund, 14 December 2022 - On the 1st of December 2022, Telecom Namibia commissioned the new Fiber-to-Office at OMDis’ offices, in Oranjemund.

OMDis experienced download speeds of 115.85 Mbps (which is 97% of the promise of 120 Mbps) and upload speeds of 37.95 Mbps (which is 95% of the promise of 40 Mbps). These quality-of-service ratios allows for an exceptional customer experience. The installation at OMDis is a first for this strategic joint partnership project between Telecom Namibia and OMDis.

The two entities signed a joint partnership agreement cementing the relationship on the 4th of November in Oranjemund, which also served as the official launch of the Oranjemund Core Fibre Connectivity Project. The agreement signals the serious intent of the two entities to invest in the expansion of digital technologies in Namibia, to enable the growth and development of digital services and digital communications.  This joint investment ensures that the community of Oranjemund has the necessary infrastructure in place to enable its digital transformation into becoming Namibia’s first smart city.

Telecom Namibia’s Senior Manager: Regional Operations Management Karas, Andre Diergaardt, stated that Telecom Namibia is committed to growing its network and meeting the need for fast and reliable full fibre internet connections in Oranjemund. During the occasion OMDis Management witnessed and experienced the truly uncapped internet connectivity which Telecom Namibia will soon offer to residents, businesses and investors of Oranjemund, after project completion. 

“OMDis Management had the opportunity to experience a download Internet speed of 115.85 Mbps (97% of the promise of 120 Mbps) and an upload speed of 37.95 Mbps (95% of the promise of 40 Mbps). This is indeed a great performance and will certainly put Oranjemund on the map,” Andre stated.

Diergaardt further confirmed that Telecom Namibia is committed to growing its network and meeting the need for fast and reliable full fibre internet connections. Telecom is ready for this new challenge of continuing to deliver first-class digital services in Namibia, which they’ve continually done through Telecom’s presence in the market for more than 30 years. The fibre infrastructure will propel the Oranjemund Town’s transformation journey to become a smart city, characterized by a high level of community and resident engagement, attractiveness for businesses, and efficient and sustainable town operations. 

The partnership between OMDis and Telecom Namibia will positively impact sectors, such as tourism, industrial development, entrepreneurship, healthcare, agriculture, SME development, education and property development. This partnership will advance a top of the range telecommunication network infrastructure to position the Oranjemund town as a smart city in the near future and will assist Oranjemund to cement its position as a centre for healthcare, agriculture, education, while opening opportunities for digital transformation, accessing enhanced digital and value-added services, like no other town in Namibia.

For details contact:
Nomvula Kambinda
Head: Corporate Communication & Public Relations
Tel: 0612012448



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