Windhoek, 16 February 2021 - The Telecom Namibia Board of Directors and the CEO, Dr. Stanley Shanapinda is excited to announce that the recruitment of key executive positions is at an advanced stage. Applications for these positions closed on the 22nd of December 2020.

 A total of 229 applications were received. These are broken down as follows:

  • 63 applications for Chief Human Resources Officer,
  • 47 applications for Head: Legal & Regulatory Affairs,
  • 36 applications for Head: Internal Audit & Risk Management, and
  • 83 applications for Company Secretary.

The recruitment process is facilitated by NamWater Atushe Assessment Centre. Applicants who have met the minimum requirements will be contacted for a pre-screening interview by the consultants from Atushe in the coming days and weeks respectively.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the applicants for the interest shown in Telecom Namibia, as an employer of choice.

We look forward to welcoming you onboard the #NewWay soon!


Issued by:
Nomvula Kambinda
Head: Corporate Communication & Public Relations
Tel: 0612012484




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