Windhoek, 21 February 2020 – Telecom Namibia is proud to be part of the Round Square Conference for 14- 15 year old students, which will be hosted by St George’s Diocesan School from the 22-26 of February 2020. The company has ensured that all the delegates remain connected with their families and friends during their stay in Namibia and also reachable during the event.

Round Square is a worldwide organization, which includes 200 like-minded schools from 50 different countries. These schools work together to offer world class programs and experiences, ultimately developing global competence and character within the students. The organization strives to develop students who can actively and positively contribute as global citizens, thus offering them more than just academic knowledge and a good qualification.

The Round Square Conference is an amazing international initiative that creates endless opportunities for children to grow and become truly global citizens.

Image Caption: Andrew Gororo from St George’s Diocesan, receives handover of sim cards and starter packs from Ndapewa Neshila, External Communication Practitioner at Telecom.

Issued by:
Nomvula Kondombolo-Kambinda
Head: Corporate Communication & Public Relations
Tel: 0612012484



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