22 March 2013
Telecom Namibia today announced that it has won the award for best internship programme from the Namibian Chapter of the Institute of People Management (IPM), an organisation that aims at enhancing the skills set and level of human resource practitioners in the country.
The IPM’s “Company Employing Most Students Award” recognises those organisations that have made a concerted effort and progress in providing learnerships and internships/on the job training to students from institutions of higher learning who need such skills. Such companies should demonstrate that they have made deliberate efforts and programmes to expose students with such skills and knowledge.
This award is presented to companies that showcase various best HR practices and it recognises both individuals and organisations for outstanding achievement in people management.
Andrew Kanime, chief HR Officer at Telecom Namibia, said: “We are very proud of our internship programme, and are constantly reviewing it to ensure it provides our graduates with the best possible training. We have worked hard to make Telecom Namibia a great place to learn, as the development of our trainees and promotion from within is a key to our growth.”
Kanime said the award is recognition of sustained and continuous commitment by Telecom Namibia to the development of human talent in line with not only the company-specific needs but also the country’s need to develop a world-class workforce. Besides the internship programme, employees are also encouraged to participate in several programmes and activities which help them pursue their passion and achieve a good work-life balance.
“It is hoped that this recognition will spur Telecom Namibia to work even harder in contributing to the country’s drive in enhancing its human capital competitiveness,” he said.
In 2006 Telecom Namibia introduced a talent pipeline scheme to address skills shortages in the Namibian market particularly in the areas of information technology and telecommunication/electronic engineering.
The talent pipeline scheme takes the following form:
- Providing bursaries to needy school leavers to pursue studies in fields such as electronic/telecommunication engineering as well as finance and accounting;
- Providing internship opportunities to students from institutions of higher learning; and
- Providing a three years on-the-job training to graduates from tertiary institutions.
The company spends over 3% of its labour cost on skills development on a yearly basis.
Over the past five years, Telecom Namibia spent over N$54,5 million on training cost for trainees participating in the various company talent pipeline scheme. A total of 77 school leavers were awarded bursaries, while 55 have participated in the internship programme at the company. In addition, 24 graduates were trained as engineers-in-training and 50 as engineering technicians-in-training. In the same period, 27 graduates were trained as IP/IT trainees.
According to Dr. Raimo Naanda, the company’s senior manager for training and development, all trainees who have participated in all the skills development initiatives were finally employed in various capacities within the company.
"We are thrilled by the external validations of our industry-best HR practices and skills development initiatives. This topnotch award acknowledges and commends our efforts towards addressing skills deficits in the Namibian market and creating employment opportunities to the Namibian youths," Dr. Naanda added.
“Over the years, Telecom Namibia has made the policy of sustainable development of all employees one of its most important priorities. I am delighted to see that our efforts have been recognised. Telecom Namibia will constantly adhere to this policy,” Dr. Naanda concluded.