Inland Telephony Tariffs

Telecommunication services to residential customers are VAT exempted

(N$) Excl. VAT (N$) Incl VAT
Installation and transfers
Basic service (single destination service) 474.64 545.84
Additional destinations 100.00 115.00
Golden Number 2,272.72 2,613.63
Bronze Number 203.64 234.19
Barring facilities (per occasion) 100.00 115.00
Time changes
For time change to destination per occasion 57.59 66.23
Change of service group (plus the cost for any additional destinations) 474.64 545.84
Change to a destination (plus the cost for any additional destinations) 57.59 66.23
Premium Rate Service 474.64 545.84
Emergency short codes 474.64 545.84
Monthly Rental
Basic service (single destination service) 105.00 120.75
Additional destinations 105.00 120.75
Barring facilities (per occasion) 47.73 54.89
Premium Rate Service 105.00 120.75
Emergency short codes 105.00 120.75


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